Thursday, September 5, 2013

Secrets from a Fort Worth Carpet Cleaning Company

When it comes to keeping carpets clean, the people who know the most are carpet cleaning professionals, not carpet salesmen. Kiwi Carpet Cleaning in Fort Worth is willing to share some secrets they have picked up in their 25 years in business. These secrets will help your carpets last longer, stay cleaner and become easier to maintain.

Vacuum Frequently
Vacuuming is obvious but vacuuming frequently and properly is what will really make your carpets stay cleaner. The EPA recommends vacuuming 1-3 times a week depending on foot traffic. Why so frequently? Most of the dirt and allergens come into the home via foot traffic, hence the heavy traffic patterns. Vacuuming with a HEPA filter removes dirt and allergens from the carpet slowing the appearance of dirty carpet. A quick pass over the carpet will not pick up as much dirt and a thorough vacuuming. Proper vacuuming techniques include vacuuming in two directions, North/South East/West, and a medium pace. Vacuuming in two directions helps to pick up dirt on all sides of the fiber and the medium pace allows the vacuum the chance to pick up the dirt. When carpets have little to no dirt in them, they are less susceptible to stains as there are fewer particles to hold onto.

Allow Stain Remover to Sit
To get stains out effectively, let the stain remover do its job and let it sit. Blotting up as much of the stain is a great start but to remove a stain completely, stain removers need time to break down the remainder of the stain. Applying stain remover and letting it sit allows the remover to pull the stain away from the fiber and making it easily absorbed with a cloth. Scrubbing a stain can drive it deeper into the fibers causing a permanent stain as well as damage to the fibers.  Gently blotting away stains and rinsing them away after the stain remover will leave the carpet clean and undamaged. During a professional Fort Worth carpet cleaning, the technician will usually pre-spray a stain remover and let it sit for 10 minutes before cleaning the carpet. The same goes for at home stain treatments.

Place Rugs Throughout the Home
Dirt is not the only thing to cause carpets to look dirty, oils are the main reason the carpet fibers look discolored. Oils become trapped in carpet attracting dirt and allergens causing the matted stained look. Oils travel on the bottom of your feet from the kitchen, bathroom and outside, starting the heavy traffic stain. By placing rugs at entrances and thresholds throughout the home, you can wipe your feet on the rug and trap most of the oils and dirt there instead of in the carpet. When these rugs look worn and dirty, it is easy to get rid of the dirt and oils by throwing them into the washer. Rugs can easily stop 80% of the dirt and oil from spreading your the home. While in your home, a carpet cleaning Fort Worth professional can identify problem areas and recommend the best rug placements for your home.

Ask for Personalized Tips
As a carpet cleaning Fort Worth professional cleans your home, he/she can see the biggest problems in your home and offer more personalized advice. You can discuss your most frequent stains and the best way to get them out for your carpet type. As carpet weaves and composition are different to each home, getting custom advice on how to maintain and treat your carpet fiber will make the biggest difference in making your carpets last longer.

Stopping dirt from settling into your carpet is easy with placing rugs at thresholds and vacuuming properly. You can easily remove stains and keep your carpet looking new by allowing stain remover to do its job. Carpet maintenance can be easy by following these tips from Fort Worth’s carpet cleaning company.