Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A McKinney Carpet Cleaning Company’s Easy Cleaning Tips

There are easy ways to keep your carpets beautiful between professional McKinney carpet cleanings. The inexpensive solutions are often found in the kitchen cabinets, such as baking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and more. With Kiwi Carpet Cleaning’s tips, you can lengthen the time between your professional carpet cleanings.

Carpet Deodorizers
Keeping your carpet smelling fresh is easy and inexpensive with baking soda and vinegar. Both of these solutions absorb odors instead of masking them like commercial solutions. For baking soda, sprinkle it over the desired area and let it sit for half an hour then vacuum up the baking soda. To deodorize with vinegar, make a 1-1 solution of water and vinegar and spritz the odorous area. The smell of the vinegar will dissipate quickly as the solution dries. Vinegar and baking soda are perfect options as most households have them and they are safe to use around pets and small children.

Stain Removal
Any stains can come out of carpet with immediate action and care. A simple solution of cool water and mild soap can remove many types of potential carpet stains. First, blot up as much of the stain as possible, or wait for the stain to harden then gently scrape up. Once most of the stain has been removed, saturate the area with the soapy solution and gently blot away until stain is gone. Rinse the area with water to remove any soap residue to prevent easy re-soiling. For some tougher stains on lighter carpets, saturating the stain with hydrogen peroxide and allowing it to sit for a few minutes will help remove the stubborn stain. Removing stains when they happened will help prevent the need to call a McKinney carpet cleaning company.

Pet Stain Prevention
Pet accidents happen but they don’t have to turn into pet stains with immediate action. Baking soda and vinegar can remove and de-odorize the accident. First, blot up as much of the urine as possible then heavily coat the area with baking soda. The baking soda will absorb the rest of the urine, preventing it from soaking into the carpet fibers or the carpet padding. Once dry, usually 24 hours later, vacuum up the baking soda. To disinfect and remove any lingering odors, spray the area with a vinegar solution.

Some pet stains need a professional carpet cleaning McKinney technician to remove them. These stains are often reoccurring and reside in the carpet pad or on the subfloor. Attempting to soak the carpet with homemade solutions that deep down may cause further damage to the carpet.

Vacuuming Tips and Tricks
Dirt causes the most damage to carpets and the most effective way to remove dirt is to vacuum and vacuum frequently. The EPA recommends vacuuming carpets 1-3 times a week. Vacuuming frequently but properly will help keep your carpets looking beautiful, as the dirt is unable to tear and fray carpet fibers. Vacuuming properly includes moving at a slower to medium pace and vacuuming in two directions.

Personalized Tips
When you get your carpets cleaned by your local Carpet Cleaning McKinney Company, ask the technician for tips to keep your carpets beautiful. The technician can offer insights as they see and understand the traffic patterns and stains in your home. As the EPA recommends professional cleanings 1-4 times a year, you can test out which tips work best for your home between cleanings. From the carpet cleaning tips, you can help reduce the spread of dirt and dust in your home keeping your home beautiful for longer.

Performing these at home carpet maintenance tips will help keep your carpets cleaner between visits. With the easy cleaning solutions, baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, it does not have to cost a lot to keep up with daily life. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Four Ways to Ruin Your Carpets

Carpets are very durable and last a long time when taken care of properly. However, habits that promote the spread of dirt and dust will ruin your carpets faster than you intend to. Preventing the spread of dirt, dust and stains on your carpets will help them last longer and keep them looking beautiful.

No Welcome Mat
The majority of dirt tracked into homes comes from outside, on the bottoms of your shoes. This dirt is usually distributed onto the first ten feet of carpet causing the dreaded high traffic pattern. As the carpeted area fills with dirt, the high traffic pattern begins to extend. This creates a need for a professional Irving carpet cleaning.

Fix it: Help prevent the spread of dirt into the home by placing rugs at every entrance to capture the dirt. Once the rug is worn or dirty, wash or replace the rug to keep the dirt stopping efficiency up.

Shoes Worn Inside
Not only to shoes carry dirt inside, they also carry oils and allergens. Shoes travel wherever you travel and wearing shoes inside brings that travel onto your carpet where you and your family play. The dirt and oils become embedded into the carpet and without proper removal, can cause permanent staining and damage.

Fix it: It’s as easy as enforcing a no shoe rule in your house. Taking off your shoes will reduce the amount of dirt in your home as well as the amount of oils. Dirt causes the most damage to carpets; therefore reducing the amount in the carpet will lengthen the carpet’s life and help keep your carpets looking beautiful.

Sparse Vacuuming
Dirt settles into carpet overtime, becoming harder and harder to remove. Without regular vacuuming the dirt builds up and slowly tears the carpet fibers apart, making them more susceptible to dirt, dust and staining. Deeply embedded dirt is hard for vacuums to pull up, making the need for a professional carpet cleaning Irving technician greater. According to the EPA, carpets need to be vacuumed 1-3 times a week to remove the dirt and dust that settles into the carpet effectively.

Fix it: Depending on the level of foot traffic in your home, set a schedule to vacuum your carpets a few times a week. If there are multiple people in your home, assign them to help vacuum or hire a cleaning service.

Lack of a Professional Irving Carpet Cleaning
Over time the carpet protectant on carpets wears off due to foot traffic and maintenance. With the wear of the protectant, the carpet becomes more susceptible to stains and dirt. The EPA recommends a professional carpet cleaning 1-4 times a year depending on the level of traffic and people living in the home. The purpose of this recommendation is to encourage the proper maintenance of carpets so they do not become a health hazard. Not getting a routine carpet cleaning allows dirt, allergens, stains and oils to build up in the carpets that may cause health problems. Vacuuming can only pick up so much dirt and cannot pick up oils, hence the need for carpet cleaning Irving technician to pick up the stubborn oils.

Fix it: Find a company, like Kiwi Carpet Cleaning, that has a customer loyalty program that allows you get your carpets cleaned according to the EPA. Cleaning your carpets multiple times a year will not only help keep your home healthy, but it will also help keep you home looking beautiful. To help you remember to get your carpets cleaned, schedule the cleaning with the seasons.

Changing your habits just a little bit, like putting a rug at the entrances, taking off your shoes and vacuuming frequently will make maintaining your carpet easier and make it last longer. Following up with regular Irving carpet cleaning will also help make your carpets last longer. With these simple fixes, you can stop ruining your carpet and start helping it last.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

How to Maximize a Professional Garland Carpet Cleaning

Carpet cleaning is the best way to make your carpets last and look beautiful through the years. The EPA recommends that carpets should be cleaned every three to six months depending on the level of foot traffic. To get the most out of a professional Garland carpet cleaning, you should vacuum routinely, enforce a no shoes rule and use rugs strategically throughout your home.

Carpets capture most of the dirt and dust tracked into the home and to remove this accumulating dust, you need to vacuum 1-3 times a week, according to the EPA. High traffic areas capture more than just dirt and dust, they also capture oils and liquids from the bottoms of shoes. These oils and liquids cause the high traffic areas to hold more dirt, hence the high traffic pattern. Vacuuming will remove the dirt and regular carpet cleanings will remove the settled oils and liquids. Low traffic areas do not collect as much dirt, but can still become damaged from the dirt and dust if the area is not vacuumed regularly. Dirt and dust cause the most damage in carpets as they grind against the carpet fibers, tearing them apart.

No Shoes
As mentioned in the previous paragraph, dirt and dust cause the most damage to carpets. Foot traffic encourages this damage but without dirt, foot traffic does not cause damage to carpets. Shoes bring in the most dirt and contaminants from outside and quickly deposit it into the first ten feet of carpet. Simply removing your shoes before walking through your home can reduce dirt deposits up to 80%. Combining the no shoes rule with a doormat, you can eliminate even more dirt from entering your home.

Use Rugs
Even with rugs and removing shoes, carpets get dirty from inside dirt and oils. A great way to help reduce this oil transference is to use rugs strategically throughout the home. Two places to consider placing rugs is near the kitchen and near the bathroom. Oils used in cooking are released into the air then fall on the floor where they are picked up by feet. Same for oils used in the bathroom, then feet transfer the oils to the nearest carpeted area. Oils attract dirt making the oiled area become “dirty” quicker than non-oiled areas. Using rugs near these high oil areas allows you to wipe your feet free of oil before transferring them to a carpeted area.

These simple tips will reduce the amount of oil and dirt in your carpet allowing for a carpet cleaning to be more effective as the cleaning solutions will penetrate deeper into the carpet fibers. In addition, understanding and getting the right type of carpet cleaning method will affect how clean your carpets become.

Choosing a Carpet Cleaning Method

Steam Cleaning
Steam cleaning is a very common carpet cleaning method and it is very effective at removing deeply embedded dirt if done correctly. The carpet cleaning Garland technicians that use this method often spray a cleaning agent followed hot water spray to break down and suspend the dirt and oils. A high-powered extractor sucks up the solution along with the dirt and oils. Within a few hours, the carpets will be dry but until then, they remain very susceptible to re-soiling. The steam cleaning method is a great for carpets that need a deep cleaning annually.

Bonnet Cleaning
Bonnet cleaning, as offered by Kiwi Carpet Cleaning in Garland, is a low moisture and gentler method of carpet cleaning. This method works by spraying a cleaning solution onto the carpet and allowing a little time for it to break down the dirt and oils. The carpet cleaning Garland technician then buffs the carpet with a super absorbent pad. The super absorbent pad picks up dirt, oils and cleaning solution leaving the carpet almost dry. Once the buffering is finished, the technician grooms the carpet, making the carpet fluffier and able to dry quicker. This cleaning method is great for routine cleaning and can prevent the need for an annual deep cleaning by preventing dirt build up.

By maintaining your carpets, you can have cleaner carpets after a professional Garland carpet cleaning. With less dirt and oils, the carpet, the cleaning agents can absorb deeper into the carpet to remove the deeper stains.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tips from a Richardson Carpet Cleaner

You can maintain your carpets between professional carpet cleanings easily and inexpensively. The solutions keep carpets fresh are often in the kitchen cabinets. Baking soda and vinegar are excellent solutions to keep carpet looking and smelling fresh, stretching the amount of time between visits from a Carpet Cleaning Richardson Company.

Simple Carpet Deodorizing Solution
Carpets treated with vinegar or baking soda stay fresh naturally and they don’t hurt your wallet. Baking soda can easily de-funk your carpet by sprinkling it over the affected area. Allow the baking soda to sit for 20-30 minutes then vacuum up. Vinegar is also a great carpet deodorizer and can be used in a 50-50 solution with water. Lightly spray the vinegar solution over the affected area to kill odors instead of masking them. Granted vinegar has a strong smell, but once dry, the smell will dissipate. Baking soda and vinegar are safe and natural solutions to keeping your carpets cleaner between visits and they are inexpensive.

Basic Carpet Stain Solution
With immediate action, almost any carpet stain can be removed with a simple solution. First, remove as much of the excess stain as possible by blotting or gently scraping. Mix together cool water with a little bit of mild soap then saturate the stain. Let the solution sit for a few minutes then blot until the stain is removed. Rinse the area with water to remove any soap residue so the area does not re-stain easily. The area may also be rinse with a vinegar water solution to cut through the soap as well as disinfect the area if necessary.

Preventing Pet Stains
Pet stains are usually smelled before they are found. Although if you catch your pet in the act of defecating the carpet, soak up as much of the urine as possible then cover the area with baking soda. The baking soda absorbs the urine, the smell, and does not allow the stain to start setting. The baking soda may be vacuumed up after the area is completely dry. A vinegar water mixture may be sprayed onto the area to help disinfect and treat any lingering smells. This method is works well for first time stains and when used immediately after the accident.

However, some pet stains that are not treated to immediately can become a reoccurring pet stain, meaning the urine soaked into the carpet pad and/or the subflooring. A  Carpet Cleaning Richardson professional is a great option to remove the smell and stain as they are able to treat the deeper pet stains.

Vacuuming Schedule
Dirt causes the most damage to carpet, causing it to fray and unravel. Vacuuming picks up the dirt and helps carpet to maintain the fluffy, fresh look of a recent carpet cleaning. According to the EPA, carpets need to be vacuumed 1-3 times a week depending on foot traffic and weather conditions. High traffic areas need to be vacuumed more frequently as more dirt is brought in comparison to a low traffic area.

Personalized Carpet Cleaning Tips
The best tips to keep your carpet looking fresh between cleanings is from your local Richardson carpet cleaning company. As the company cleans your carpets, they can give you tips based off your traffic patterns, stains, and carpet type. Since the EPA recommends 1-4 professional carpet cleanings each year, you can put these tips to the test to see which ones work well for you and your cleaning schedule.

Deodorizing your carpets and keeping up with stains is a great start to keeping your carpets looking beautiful between your local Richardson carpet cleaning company’s visits. Vacuuming is the biggest factor as it picks up the damage causing particles. Following these tips will help keep your carpets look fresh and clean between professional cleanings.