Carpets are
very durable and last a long time when taken care of properly. However, habits
that promote the spread of dirt and dust will ruin your carpets faster than you
intend to. Preventing the spread of dirt, dust and stains on your carpets will
help them last longer and keep them looking beautiful.
No Welcome Mat
The majority of dirt tracked into homes comes from outside, on the bottoms of your shoes. This dirt is usually distributed onto the first ten feet of carpet causing the dreaded high traffic pattern. As the carpeted area fills with dirt, the high traffic pattern begins to extend. This creates a need for a professional Irving carpet cleaning.
The majority of dirt tracked into homes comes from outside, on the bottoms of your shoes. This dirt is usually distributed onto the first ten feet of carpet causing the dreaded high traffic pattern. As the carpeted area fills with dirt, the high traffic pattern begins to extend. This creates a need for a professional Irving carpet cleaning.
Fix it: Help prevent the spread of dirt into the home by placing rugs at every entrance to capture the dirt. Once the rug is worn or dirty, wash or replace the rug to keep the dirt stopping efficiency up.
Shoes Worn Inside
Not only to
shoes carry dirt inside, they also carry oils and allergens. Shoes travel
wherever you travel and wearing shoes inside brings that travel onto your
carpet where you and your family play. The dirt and oils become embedded into
the carpet and without proper removal, can cause permanent staining and damage.
Fix it: It’s as easy as enforcing a no shoe rule in your house. Taking off your shoes will reduce the amount of dirt in your home as well as the amount of oils. Dirt causes the most damage to carpets; therefore reducing the amount in the carpet will lengthen the carpet’s life and help keep your carpets looking beautiful.
Sparse Vacuuming
Dirt settles into carpet overtime, becoming harder and harder to remove. Without regular vacuuming the dirt builds up and slowly tears the carpet fibers apart, making them more susceptible to dirt, dust and staining. Deeply embedded dirt is hard for vacuums to pull up, making the need for a professional carpet cleaning Irving technician greater. According to the EPA, carpets need to be vacuumed 1-3 times a week to remove the dirt and dust that settles into the carpet effectively.
Dirt settles into carpet overtime, becoming harder and harder to remove. Without regular vacuuming the dirt builds up and slowly tears the carpet fibers apart, making them more susceptible to dirt, dust and staining. Deeply embedded dirt is hard for vacuums to pull up, making the need for a professional carpet cleaning Irving technician greater. According to the EPA, carpets need to be vacuumed 1-3 times a week to remove the dirt and dust that settles into the carpet effectively.
Fix it: Depending on the level of foot traffic in your home, set a schedule to vacuum your carpets a few times a week. If there are multiple people in your home, assign them to help vacuum or hire a cleaning service.
Lack of a Professional Irving Carpet Cleaning
Over time the carpet protectant on carpets wears off due to foot traffic and maintenance. With the wear of the protectant, the carpet becomes more susceptible to stains and dirt. The EPA recommends a professional carpet cleaning 1-4 times a year depending on the level of traffic and people living in the home. The purpose of this recommendation is to encourage the proper maintenance of carpets so they do not become a health hazard. Not getting a routine carpet cleaning allows dirt, allergens, stains and oils to build up in the carpets that may cause health problems. Vacuuming can only pick up so much dirt and cannot pick up oils, hence the need for carpet cleaning Irving technician to pick up the stubborn oils.
Over time the carpet protectant on carpets wears off due to foot traffic and maintenance. With the wear of the protectant, the carpet becomes more susceptible to stains and dirt. The EPA recommends a professional carpet cleaning 1-4 times a year depending on the level of traffic and people living in the home. The purpose of this recommendation is to encourage the proper maintenance of carpets so they do not become a health hazard. Not getting a routine carpet cleaning allows dirt, allergens, stains and oils to build up in the carpets that may cause health problems. Vacuuming can only pick up so much dirt and cannot pick up oils, hence the need for carpet cleaning Irving technician to pick up the stubborn oils.
Fix it: Find a company, like Kiwi Carpet Cleaning, that has a customer loyalty program that allows you get your carpets cleaned according to the EPA. Cleaning your carpets multiple times a year will not only help keep your home healthy, but it will also help keep you home looking beautiful. To help you remember to get your carpets cleaned, schedule the cleaning with the seasons.
your habits just a little bit, like putting a rug at the entrances, taking off
your shoes and vacuuming frequently will make maintaining your carpet easier
and make it last longer. Following up with regular Irving carpet cleaning will
also help make your carpets last longer. With these simple fixes, you can stop
ruining your carpet and start helping it last.